Creating Google Drive Direct Download Link

When you want to link to files in Google Drive, usually a link is generated that directs you to a webpage displaying an image of the file.

Note: This link is just an example and not a real link. 

To directly link to the image itself:

  1. Got to the file in Google Drive
  2. Right-click on the file -> Get Link
  3. The link will look similar to this:
  4. The long string of letters and numbers is the filename; copy this to a notepad somewhere.
  5. In Spark Shipping, copy this link
  6. Now paste the filename on the end.
  7. Your link will now look like this:
  8. Now Spark Shipping is able to pull the file from this location. 

The link can be publicly accessible, or it can be private and available to anyone who has the link.

 That's it. This link will now directly download a file