Default Product Options - Shopify

  • Product Draft Mode

    • Purpose: Allows products to be manually reviewed in Spark before being pushed to Shopify.
    • Functionality: Sets a draft mode or draft view within Spark, making it possible to review products only within Spark and not on Shopify.

    2. Set Product Status to Draft

    • Purpose: Ensures products are sent to Shopify in draft status for further review.
    • Functionality: When enabled, the product will be sent to Shopify as a draft. You will need to review and activate it before it becomes available on sales channels.

    3. Update Product Cost in Shopify

    • Purpose: Helps determine profit margins by calculating product costs.
    • Functionality: Updates the product cost in Shopify, which is crucial for calculating earnings per product sale.

    4. Use Prefix for Shopify SKU

    • Purpose: Ensures SKU consistency by using a specific prefix.
    • Functionality: Uses everything before an underline (_) as the SKU in Shopify. For example, in SKU TYC2-11191_95950, the Shopify SKU would be TYC2-11191. This is useful for stores with prefixed SKUs.

    5. Default Product Collections

    • Purpose: Categorizes products by pulling manual collections from Shopify.
    • Functionality: Imports only manual collections (not automated ones) from Shopify. New manual collections need to be refreshed by re-authenticating Shopify credentials in Spark.

    6. Default Product Type

    • Purpose: Sets a default categorization for filtering and searching products.
    • Functionality: Uses a default value when the product does not have a collection/category set. This value needs to be set for each product push or group of product pushes.

    7. Add Fitment Data to Shopify Product Description

    • Purpose: Enhances product descriptions with fitment data.
    • Functionality: Adds fitment data from a vendor to the end of the Shopify product description. If no description is provided, fitment data will be the first available content. Fitment prefixes (e.g., fits, fitment) can also be added.

    8. Show Fitment Before Product Attributes

    • Purpose: Controls the order of information in product descriptions.
    • Functionality: Toggles the fitment data to appear before product attributes in the description.

    9. Add Fitment Data to Shopify Product Meta Fields

    • Purpose: Stores fitment data in product metafields for better organization and accessibility.
    • Functionality: Automatically adds fitment data to Shopify product meta fields.

    10. Add Fitment Data to Shopify Product Tags

    • Purpose: Improves searchability and categorization.
    • Functionality: Adds fitment data to Shopify product tags for better categorization and search.

    11. Add Product Data Attributes to Product Descriptions

    • Purpose: Enhances product descriptions with detailed attributes.
    • Functionality: Allows additional product data attributes to be included in the product descriptions.

    12. Show Product Data Attributes in a Table

    • Purpose: Provides a structured view of product attributes.
    • Functionality: This feature adds product attributes in a table format within the product description. To compare the differences, test this feature by pushing products with and without this setting.

    13. Add OEM and Tags

    • Purpose: Utilizes available vendor data for tagging.
    • Functionality: Creates product tags with vendor-provided data when pushing products. This includes OEM tags if available.

    14. Add Product Categories to Shopify Product Tags

    • Purpose: Categorizes products using vendor category names.
    • Functionality: Assigns product tags with vendor category names when pushing products.

    15. Send Product Images as Attachments

    • Purpose: Adds images as attachments rather than main product images.
    • Functionality: Sends product images as attachments, which typically won't be shown until the product page is accessed. It's generally recommended to leave this feature off to avoid confusion.

    16. Enable Compare at Price

    • Purpose: Sets a comparison price to show discounts.
    • Functionality: Always sets a compare-at price, useful for displaying discounted prices.