Enabling Debug Mode for detailed logs

Debug log is disabled for this site. Please enable debug log in site advanced settings to see more details here.
When discovering this message and trying to review inventory, catalog, and tracking jobs this alert may appear. Job logs can be useful for users trying to determine whether inventory is being updated as well as when pricing is being updated for many SKUs.

Users can enable the debug feature on their advanced options page for any of their sites. You will have to enable this for any perspective sites you are wanting to review logs and do research regarding updates occurring on your site.  The debug log is available for 3 days which will give ample time for staff to review any changes occurring on your site as well as yourself to review if any errors or issues have arisen that need to be reviewed and corrected. A disable date will be shown to give you a time window of when you may need to enable the logs again if you see fit.


Below is an image for clarity on where to find this feature to toggle.

As always if you have any issues regarding your logs please contact support. They can get a little confusing to both new and advanced users of spark.