"Received tracking from VendorX but that vendor has no items in this order"

* This support article is specific to Shopify sites only.


What happens when Spark Shipping receives tracking updates from a vendor that has no items in the order? 

Firstly, it's important to understand how this happens. We get that message when we receive tracking from a vendor but we can not find any matching unfulfilled products in the order for that vendor.

Let's say you receive an order where one item is mapped to multiple vendors, we send the fulfillment request to Vendor A but then it goes out of stock, so the product is now mapped to Vendor B. Now, vendor A ships the item and sends back a tracking update, Spark Shipping doesn't see the vendor in that order's unfulfilled items, so it applies the tracking updates to the remainder of the order. 


When Spark Shipping applies this tracking update, you'll see this message in the Order Messages: 

"Received tracking from vendor-name but that vendor has no items in this order: carrier - tracking-number - Adding tracking to the remainder of unfilled items in the order"