Setting To Create New Global Product Attributes

This is a new function that was added recently that will allow the creation of global product attributes when these products are being brought into Spark Shipping. 

About Attributes

What is a global attribute within WooCommerce? 

-A global attribute is used for searching, sorting, or filtering from within WooCommerce. 

This would be characteristics like color or size. (Example: Yetti insulated cup, red, 28 oz.)

-These characteristics are completely searchable.

What is the standard product attribute (non-global)?

-This would be item characteristics that are not searchable

An example would be the dimensions of a product (Example: 5" x 5" 10").

-You would not expect a customer to be searching by these types of characteristics; they are not searchable

How does it work? 

When checked, the setting, "Create New Global Product Attributes" will pull in the global attributes of these products when pushing to WooCommerce under the following conditions: 

-The product attribute text has 5 words or less; on the 6th word the product attribute will be ignored

-Products that contain commas will not be considered as a global attribute

- You also have the option to manually exclude your own defined attributes from global attributes

-When setting up an account, the "check connection" button will act as a refresh to kick of this job. 

Note: The products will make use of already existing global attributes. If they don't exist, then they will be created. 


How to turn it on

-Go to your site settings and click "Edit"

-Scroll to the "WooCommerce Settings" area 

-Check the box that says "Create New Global Product Attributes"

-You may also exclude attributes in the text field; be sure to separate fields by using a "  ,  "

