Site Product Auto Mapping (Site Setting)

Spark Shipping can map your SKUs to your vendor SKUs automatically.

This process works differently based on the site type you're working on. Please turn on this option with caution, and reach out to for additional advice.




Product Auto Mapping, how does it work?


Spark Shipping will map your products SKUs to your Vendors by looking up the Fulfillment Service field in Shopify that's associated with each product. If you have SKU 123 in Shopify with a Fulfillment Service of Vendor#1 --> Spark Shipping will map the product to Vendor#1 in Spark Shipping (vendor name in Spark Shipping has to match Fulfillment service in Shopify), and will set the vendor SKU to be either SKU (will map SKU to itself) or Barcode (which is pulled from Shopify, but will be set as the vendor SKU here). 



Spark Shipping will map your products SKUs to your Vendors by looking up the Brand field in Bigcommerce that's associated with each product. If you have SKU 123 in Bigcommerce with a Brand of Vendor#1 --> Spark Shipping will map the product to Vendor#1 in Spark Shipping (vendor name in Spark Shipping has to match Brand in Bigcommerce), and will set the vendor SKU to be either SKU (will map SKU to itself) or Barcode (which is pulled from Bigcommerce, but will be set as the vendor SKU here). 


Channel Advisor:

Spark Shipping will map your products SKUs to your Vendors by looking up the Manufacturer field in Channel Advisor that's associated with each product. If you have SKU 123 in Channel Advisor with a manufacturer of Vendor#1 --> Spark Shipping will map the product to Vendor#1 in Spark Shipping (vendor name in Spark Shipping has to match Manufacturer in Channel Advisor), and will set the vendor SKU to be either SKU (will map SKU to itself) or Barcode (which is pulled from Channel Advisor, but will be set as the vendor SKU here). 


Auto Update SKU Mapping

Turning on this option will update the SKU mapping of SKUs previously mapped manually by users.


Auto Remove SKU Mapping

Turning on this option will remove the SKU mapping of SKUs previously mapped manually by users per the new mapping logic.



Other Options in addition to SKU and Barcode (use % for wildcard):

  • Matched Pattern - '%123' matches 'SKU-123' & sets Vendor SKU to '123' (Only: SKU to Vendor Mapping Table)

Examples: Spark Shipping will automap:

Product SKU Vendor SKU
Tshirt-white-S-123 123
Tshirt-black-XS-123 123


  • Unmatched Pattern - 'SKU-%' matched 'SKU-123' & sets Vendor SKU to '123' (Only: SKU to Vendor Mapping Table)

Examples: Spark Shipping will automap:

Product SKU Vendor SKU
WPS1515 1515
WPS1516 1516
  • User Specified - User Specified SKU (Only: SKU to Vendor Mapping Table)
    This can be used by users who would like to define their logic, need to discuss with Spark Shipping Support and provide a file of all their SKU mapping definitions.