Woocommerce - Credentials failing

If you follow the steps in the order below including the permalinks requirement you should no longer have any failures.



To make your WordPress website more user-friendly, it's important to set the permalinks to a format that is easily readable by humans. You can do this by accessing the Settings menu and selecting Permalinks.

Using your name and day of the week is a good default, but feel free to choose something other than "Plain" for your preferences.


WooCommerce Settings

  1. Login to the Wordpress Admin
  2. Create User: Users -> All Users -> Add New [button]
    • Username: SparkShipping
    • Email: support@sparkshipping.com
    • Password: <any secure password that you would like> 
    • Role: Administrator
    • Add New User [button]
  3. Generate API Keys: WooCommerce -> Settings -> Advanced -> REST API -> Keys/Apps [Tab] -> Add Key
    • Description: Spark Shipping
    • User: SparkShipping - (The user created above)
    • Permissions: Read/Write
    • Generate API Key [button]
  4. Copy/Paste the Consumer Key & Secret into the boxes below
  5. In Wordpress/WooCommerce - Update User [button]
  6. In Spark Shipping - Update Site [button]